How to trick yourself into saving money

Game of find the ball with cups
OCCU  -  07.12.2024

Saving money is a bit like bluffing in poker. Whether the cards you’re dealt are high or low doesn’t matter nearly as much as your ability to fool your opponents. 

It’s all about the mental game — and when it comes to saving, the only opponent you need to overcome is yourself. 

There’s a reason nearly 50% of Americans have $500 or less in their savings accounts. Most of us have some psychological issues around money, including subconscious beliefs that saving is hard or we don’t have enough income to do it. But if saving money seems hard, that’s just because we’ve tricked ourselves into thinking it is. Actually, saving can be easy. 

Don’t believe it? Give the following bluffs a try and see if you can outwit yourself. 

Pay yourself first

Think of your personal finances as a company and you’re the CEO. You cover your overhead costs, buy supplies to keep things running and pay your employees. But how often do you pay yourself? Even the CEO needs to take home a paycheck. Your savings is like a salary for your future self — and it’s definitely OK to make paying yourself a top priority.

Set and forget

Saving is much easier when you don’t have to think about it. Every time we manually transfer money into a savings account, we tend to weigh all the things we could be spending it on. And since the needs of today often feel more urgent than saving for an indistinct future, it’s easy to talk yourself out of saving at all. When you set up an automatic transfer into a high-interest savings account, like Ignite Savings, you don’t have to make that mental calculation each time. Just pick an amount you can spare, factor it into your budget and before long you’ll have forgotten all about the “extra” money you used to have. Meanwhile, your savings will be piling up.

Give yourself an annual raise

Once you’ve automated your savings, start increasing the amount incrementally each year. For example, if you started out saving 10% of your income, increase the amount by 1 percent every six to 12 months. Your savings will grow even faster, but you’ll barely notice the incremental change in your budget. Within several years, you’ll find yourself automatically saving a larger portion of your paycheck — and you’ll be totally used to it. 

Start a snowball

Are you working on paying off debt? Keep at it — it's not always easy, but it’s very rewarding when you do. And when you do, take that windfall — that monthly car payment you’re used to making and put it directly into a savings account. (Or toward another bill, but we’re talking about saving here so go with it.) 

Set small savings goals

Ever wonder why video games are so addictive? It’s partly because they provide gamers with a series of small, achievable goals. When we get close to finishing a task, we typically get a surge of motivation that pushes us to work harder and finish the job. By breaking a long-term savings goal into smaller milestones, you can give yourself regular surges of motivation that help sustain your momentum. Each time you reach a savings milestone, take a moment to celebrate before setting your next achievable goal.

Bank your windfalls

Got a holiday bonus? Some Christmas cash? A nice tax refund? While it’s tempting to spend these windfalls, you’re better off saving them if you can. Don’t think of it as depriving yourself—think of it as giving your money some time to grow. If you let it sit around and earn compound interest for a few years, you’ll have an even bigger boon than you started with. 

Once you master these saving tricks, you’ll be amazed at how easy it is to start stashing away money. By fooling yourself into saving without realizing it, you can turn even a lowly deuce into an ace in the hole for your future self.