Stay safe everywhere: Our best security tips

Man walking with little girl, holding hands
OCCU  -  06.20.2024

Feeling safe is a basic need every human has. Whether it is your data or your home, you want to feel secure. 

And we want you to feel secure as well.  

As your financial partner, we’re committed to keeping your money, identity and financial information safe. Since security touches every aspect of your life, from your front door to your computer login screen, we work to keep you safe everywhere you go. 

Here are some of our best security articles to help you guard yourself: 

1. Online and off

You leave a mark everywhere you go, from your physical paper trail to your digital footprint. Identity thieves can even follow you into the cloud these days. We’ve compiled some important best practices for covering your tracks both online and off.

Read more: Member security: How to protect yourself from identity theft

2. On the phone

The IRS isn’t calling you to collect back taxes. You didn’t win the lottery. The manufacturer of your computer is not calling because it detected a virus on your computer. Phone scammers hope that if they speak with enough authority and urgency you’ll be fooled into believing them. Don’t be. Here are some tips on how to spot a vishing scam and what to do if you’re just not sure. 

Read more: Phone scams continue to be big business

3. At the online register

Internet fraud is by no means uncommon. Online scammers steal billions of dollars every year using a variety of tactics we’re already discussed here, with phishing being the most common. To make sure you’re doing everything you can to avoid scams, stay up to date with these eight simple tips.    

Read more: Shop securely with these eight tips 

4. At tax time

Tax season is stressful, and scammers often take advantage of that to trick innocent people into giving them money or sensitive information. 

Tax scams are all too common, and with today’s technology they now come in a variety of forms. Once you know what to look out for, however, you can easily spot and avoid most scams. 

Read more:Tax scammers might target you: Here's what to do 

5. At the mailbox

Each year, millions of Americans move to a new home. In the flurry of unpacking, setting up utilities and learning the new neighborhood, it’s easy to forget to update your contact information. Find out why USPS change-of-address forms put you at major risk for fraud and learn how to prevent it. 

Read more: Stay in touch – update your information 

With all of this security information at your fingertips, you can take control of your safety both on and offline—and put some of your fears to rest.