Payment Protection
Rest easy about loan payments during unexpected circumstances.
A loan payment is the last thing you want to think about when an unfortunate event transforms your financial situation. Here’s how Payment Protection from OCCU has you protected:
Payment protection features
Protects unexpected unemployment
If you lose your job due to events outside your control, Payment Protection may cancel your payments for up to six months or $7,500 on the loan.
Safeguards in the event of death
If the loss of a loved one who opted for protection impacts your ability to make payments on a loan, you could have the entire balance of the loan cancelled up to the contract maximums.
Protects against disability
In the event of a disabling illness or injury that threatens your financial stability, your loan payment may be cancelled for up to 12 months or $15,000 on the loan.
Adds protection for life events
Life Plus adds protection for life events such as accidental dismemberment, terminal illness, hospitalization, family medical leave, or the loss of life of a non-protected dependent. Speak to an OCCU representative for details.
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