Backpacks for Back to School: Helping kids, families and teachers focus on education

Kids getting on school bus
OCCU  -  08.08.2018

OCCU is partnering with St. Vincent de Paul, the Salem Keizer Education Foundation and Wilsonville Community Sharing for Backpacks for Back to School, an event that helps provide over 3,000 backpacks filled with school supplies to local kids in need.

According to the 2018 ALICE report by United Way, 42 percent of Oregon households in 2016 could not afford all their basic needs such as housing, child care, food, health care and transportation. With staggering statistics like this one, Oregon families are forced to sacrifice things like school supplies. Going to school without necessary school supplies makes it even harder for these children to perform well in the classroom. By supporting them with needed supplies, we can improve their chances at succeeding in education.

Not only does this drive support families, but educators as well. Many Oregon educators often step in to help fill the school supplies gap. A recent report shows that the average teacher spends $500 per year on classroom supplies and 7 percent of teachers spend more than $1,000 per year.

Please join OCCU and our partners in making the first day back to school a happy one!

How and where to donate to the school supply drive:

(Note: Both cash donations and school supply donations will be accepted at all OCCU branches and St. Vincent de Paul locations. Springfield/Eugene-area Bi-Mart and Fred Meyer locations will only be accepting school supplies for donation.)

Most needed school supplies:

  • Backpacks
  • Thumb drives
  • Pens and No. 2 pencils
  • 1-inch and 3-inch binders
  • Notebook paper (wide and college ruled)
  • Erasers
  • Crayons
  • Glue sticks
  • Rulers
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Facial tissues

Thank you for backing our kids and teachers to make our community stronger!