OCCU stories: More for the things you love

Paddleboarder with dog and doodles
OCCU  -  07.12.2024

What would you do with a little more?  

Plan a vacation? Buy a new book? Invest? 

It’s not a matter of greed or entitlement. It’s a simple fact that having a little more for the things that you love makes life a little easier. And you know what? You can have more. 

More for your travel fund. More for your hobbies. More for your future. 

OCCU members get more for the things that matter to them with Ignite Savings. What those things are varies from person to person. But what remains the same is that they all benefit from more

More for your health 

Health is something that everyone can relate to. Whether you’re joining a gym, trying to eat better, scheduling checkups or paying off medical debt, having extra cash to pay for the things that keep you or your family going physically is helpful. 

“My son is a Type 1 diabetic who eats organic, but his blood sugar still drops drastically with no warning. He has insurance, but his Ignite Savings gives him more dividends for helping to pay his sizable medical bills every year. Ignite helps to make a difference for him, and it's so appreciated.”— Melody  

That includes family that’s a little fluffier. Or feathered. Or finned. 

“Having an Ignite Savings account has helped out when unexpected vet bills come up.” — Sabrina  

More for your happiness 

What brings you joy? Wouldn’t you love to have more time to devote to it? 

“Our Ignite account has helped my husband stay at home over the last few years, raising our daughter and taking care of our home. The Ignite interest helps our savings last longer than it otherwise would have, giving us some peace of mind and the chance to keep this setup for longer than we anticipated. So we get more for daddy-daughter days, more for family time, more for extended sabbaticals and more for peace of mind.” — Kim  

Or more to spend on the promise of freedom. 

"My 15-year-old son has an Ignite Savings that he is using to save money for his first car and expenses that come along with being a licensed driver!” — Kayla 

More for your home 

Whether you own a home and need money for upkeep, or you’re searching for ways to make a studio apartment feel bigger, every home could benefit from having more to put into it. And if you’re about to buy your first home, you know that saving for a down payment is no easy feat. 

“The Ignite Savings account has helped me squirrel away money here and there to tackle things like replacing sections of fence and having my pin oak tree trimmed up by a tree service. It helps my money grow and allows me to do more with it.” — Ethan  

“Leveraging OCCU’s deposit and lending products helped my family build a long-dreamed-of garage, shop and home gym. My 'more for' story would be: More for getting strong and keeping up with our kids; more for bikes and oversized Christmas inflatables; more for homemade crafts and home-grown veggies.” — Brianne  

More for your hopes 

It’s your future. Plan for it. What do you want to achieve in the next year? Five years? Ten years? Even if you’re just setting aside a small amount to plan for the things you want — for yourself, for your children, for your grandchildren — starting now means you’ll get more for those things, sooner. 

“I opened an Ignite account for my son when he was two weeks old. My goal was to set aside a minimum so that when he reaches 16, he will have a substantial amount of money, he can buy a car, pay for school or go on a trip. I didn't factor in the high yield and compound interest to the goal, which will only enhance what we/he saves and be a wonderful bonus.” — Ashley  

“I opened an Ignite for my son so I can give him money while he is a kid and help him have a small savings for college or an apartment or car or whatever for when he turns 18 and graduates high school.” — Amanda  

Every OCCU member has a story. A story about why they joined, the goals they made for themselves and what they were able to achieve. How they are able to do more, because they get more for the things that are important to them. What’s your story? We'd love to hear it!