OCCU Foundation’s impact in 2020

2020 was full of challenges.
Even still, we will always remember the extraordinary ways our community showed compassion, generosity and tenacity.
At OCCU Foundation (OCCUF) we believe that we are your foundation. We exist and thrive because of our members and staff. Our accomplishments are your accomplishments, and our impact is because of your support. Thank you.
So, what did we accomplish in 2020?
- We kept families fed and communities healthy.
- We supported healthcare workers, food pantries, education programs and developed partnerships to expand local COVID testing.
- We supported the United Way of Lane County in their effort to address systematic inequities throughout Lane County.
- We raised more than $250,000 through our Fire Relief Fund, and we are continuing to donate funds to nonprofits in Oregon that support the recovery efforts of those impacted by wildfires.
- We supported student scholarships through University of Oregon’s PathwayOregon program and Lane Community College’s Shining Star program.
- We hit our highest level for annual giving by contributing almost $550,000 in grants and scholarships.
- Our foundation has given more than $1 million back to our communities to date!
We couldn’t have done any of this without you.
Want to learn more about OCCU and OCCUF’s impact?
Join us for the online event, OCCU Annual Meeting on Thurs., March 18 at 5:00 p.m.
At the annual meeting you’ll learn how being a member of the credit union and giving to the foundation helped fuel extraordinary partnerships and deliver solutions to the many pressing needs of our community – from investing in education initiatives and local COVID-19 aid, to recovering from fires and feeding families.
While many challenges face us 2021, we know our tenacity, impact and relationships will grow. We will find ways to work together to make a lasting and positive change throughout our footprint.
OCCUF is your foundation. We want to meet the needs of our community with big hearts and with you alongside us.