Support for those affected by wildfires | A letter from our President & CEO

OCCU  -  09.16.2020

The ongoing impacts of the Oregon wildfires and the smoke that has settled over our state continue to cause challenges in our communities. We are empathetic to those who have been directly affected and want to assure you that OCCU is here support both the individual and community needs that will surface in the coming weeks, months and beyond.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have been impacted by these wildfires. We are here to listen and to help, and we will continue to work with you to support your individual needs through a variety of programs:

  • Skip payments.
  • Debt consolidation and loan modifications.
  • Low interest fire relief loans.

To support the nonprofit organizations that are so critical to helping our communities rebuild, the OCCU Foundation (OCCUF) has created a Fire Relief Fund, earmarking dollars specifically for these efforts. Donations to our relief fund will help position OCCUF to support critical needs now and as we move through the long-term recovery. Please consider supporting this effort and make a contribution today.

OCCU is more than 180,000 members strong. Imagine the power of support if each of us contributed even $1.00. I’m excited to say that your dollars will go even farther as OCCUF will meet the first $100,000 raised! Together, we will meet this disaster with tenacity and generosity.

Ron Neumann
President & CEO

OCCU Foundation Fire Relief Fund - Give Now