Health and safety updates | A message from our President & CEO

March 27, 2020:
You and your family may be worried about the impacts of COVID-19 on our community, but I want you to know that OCCU is here for you as we always have been. We are a safe and strong financial institution ready to support our members through the challenges that lie ahead as a result of this pandemic.
Even in these uncertain times, rest assured that your deposits are safe, and your accounts are fully insured up to $250,000 by the National Credit Union Administration. Keeping your money in your OCCU accounts allows your money to earn interest, while allowing you easy access to your funds.
COVID-19 has impacted and restricted daily life for many of us. Don’t forget that with MyOCCU Online & Mobile you can meet nearly all your financial needs without leaving your home. If you don’t already have OCCU’s free mobile app, now is a good time to download it . You’ll be able to check balances, transfer funds, deposit checks and pay bills from anywhere.
We are committed to helping you and our community through these challenging times. If you’ve been financially impacted by this pandemic, please contact us to learn how we might be able to support you with skip payments, emergency loans and a variety of other options.
Now, more than ever, we are here with big hearts to support our members.
We greatly value your membership with OCCU.
Healthy regards,
Ron Neumann
President & CEO
March 10, 2020:
Good morning valued member,
Our first priority – now and always – is the health and safety of our members, our employees and the communities we serve.
We have all seen the media coverage related to the coronavirus (COVID-19) increase over the past several weeks and I appreciate and share your concerns as the global impact continues to grow. At OCCU, we are carefully monitoring updates from the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and taking steps to ensure the availability of our services to you.
We are taking a cautious, informed and deliberate approach and I want to assure you that we have a team preparing for various scenarios. As part of our business continuity program, we have a formal pandemic plan to help ensure we can provide our members with ongoing services. This includes the ability for staff to work from home and cross-training to ensure backup for critical functions.
This outbreak and the threats it’s presenting are changing rapidly. We will continue to communicate with you through our normal channels and/or publish information on our website, as needed. All our branches and online and phone services remain fully available to you; and should you choose to stay home during the coming weeks, you can access your OCCU accounts online at, via our mobile app and by calling us at 800.365.1111.
We greatly value your membership with OCCU.
Healthy regards,
Ron Neumann
President & CEO