How can OCCU help me on my financial journey?

Everyone’s path to financial success is different, but we all share some common ground. Wherever you are on your journey, from paying for college to prepping for retirement, you don’t need to walk it alone.
Your bank account isn’t just a place to park your money. The right financial institution can serve as a powerful guide and ally, one that can point you in the right direction while giving you a boost to help you along. The key is to choose one that puts its members first. While for-profit banks maximize profits for their shareholders, a not-for-profit credit union exists solely to maximize benefits for its members (that’s you!).
At OCCU, we invest our energy—and our profits—in creating better tools to help you reach your goals. Sometimes that means eliminating fees. Sometimes it means finding more ways to help you save. Whatever your financial situation, we’re here to help you:
Grow your money faster
Your money doesn’t have to sit still. Whether it’s in your checking or savings account, it should always be working for you, growing and multiplying. That’s why we offer both checking and savings accounts that pay competitive interest rates on your balance.
Compound interest is the ticket to building long-term wealth, and everyone should have the opportunity to take advantage of it. Our interest checking and higher-yield savings accounts can help you grow your money while keeping your funds accessible for your short-term needs.
Build credit, not debt
We provide our members with tools for building credit, like personal loans and rewards credit cards. Unlike many lenders, however, we aim to charge you as little interest as possible.
The less interest you pay and the less debt you accumulate, the better off you’ll be financially. We keep the interest rates on our loans and credit cards affordable so it’s easier for you to establish a good credit history without taking on loads of debt.
Plan for the future
There’s no telling what the future will bring. When it comes to your money, the more you plan, the better your chances of landing the future you want.
Whenever you need expert financial guidance, our team is there to steer you onto the right track. Our financial advisors can help you create a budget, prepare for retirement, form an investment strategy or make a plan to get out of debt. We offer financial services for every phase of your journey, all the way up to your estate plan.
On the path to financial abundance, every advantage you gain helps bring you closer to your goals. With OCCU at your side, you can reap the benefits of membership in a credit union devoted to your long-term financial well-being.