Most of us can’t even go to the grocery store without our smartphone, let alone take a whole trip. How else would we order an Uber or find the best nearby restaurant? These days, toting hundreds or even thousands of dollars worth of electronics
How much does your new home really cost? It’s a simple question, but the answer isn’t as straightforward as you might think. You can calculate the cost of your home in different ways. Most buyers focus on the sale price, which determines how much
Shopping for a home is a bit like rafting. Sometimes you’re speeding through exhilarating rapids and sometimes you’re drifting along in slow water. Sometimes you just have to dig in and paddle like you mean it. The average buyer spends more than four
How do you know when it’s the right time to buy? It’s a question many homebuyers struggle with. You want conditions to be right. You want to get the best deal you can. Taking the pulse of your local housing market can help you decide when to make