Teaching teens about money

Teaching teens about money

When your teens use their own money to buy things they want and need, you start to see a thrill of buying and satisfaction take hold. Once your kids reach their teenage years, they want big-ticket items, like video games, a new phone or a car that
Basic Finances
Retired couple at coffee shop

Build your financial freedom

Making smart investments to grow your savings and build financial freedom can feel like a complicated process. Simple strategies like CD laddering can help you easily establish a savings strategy that will help you move toward the future on stronger
Budgeting & Saving
College students on spring break road trip

How to do spring break on a budget

Spring break has a way of sneaking up on you. One minute you’re powering through a seemingly endless winter, and the next thing you know, summer’s right around the corner. If you’ve suddenly found yourself scrambling to plan a spring break trip on a
Budgeting & Saving
Man on phone in front of window

How to request a stop payment

Simply call OCCU as soon as possible with basic financial information about the item or items you wish to cancel.
Basic Finances
Three reasons to consolidate debt with a HELOC

Three reasons to consolidate debt with a HELOC

We all have dreams. Buying the perfect home. Starting a business. Taking a fantasy vacation. Retiring in luxury. For a growing number of households, however, going debt-free has become the ultimate financial goal. In a Credit.com survey, one in four
Owning a Home
Want a bigger tax refund? Do this

Want a bigger tax refund? Do this

The best thing about tax season is the anticipation of receiving a refund — the bigger the better. And this year, more than half of all taxpayers plan to use their refund to improve their finances by paying off debt or building their savings. What
Retirement Planning
Kid on scooter

What’s your home’s life expectancy?

As you decide which home improvement projects to tackle next, you can use the guide below to identify parts of your home that are likely to need replacing in the near future and focus your efforts on those. You can also plan ahead for costly projects
Owning a Home
Kids playing in the back seat of the car

How to keep your wheels road-worthy

When it comes to your car, a little love goes a long way. Follow these tips to stay safe and comfortable wherever you go.
Basic Finances
Three students studying on steps

College-bound teen? Here’s what you need to know about the FAFSA

Becoming a college student requires filling out a lot of forms. But there’s one form that rules them all — and filing it out is one of the most important things you can do to pay for your child’s education. It’s the Free Application for Federal
Basic Finances
Three New Year’s resolutions you can keep

Three New Year’s resolutions you can keep

You’ve written them down. You’ve taped them to the mirror. You’ve even made a New Year’s resolution to keep your New Year’s resolutions. Working toward your goals seems much easier when you’re blowing noisemakers and watching the ball drop than it
Budgeting & Saving