Introducing our newest email series: Money mindfulness

Woman with pen and light bulb graphic design thinking about the future.
OCCU  -  04.18.2023

In a world that often asks us to choose between money and the things that matter most, it’s sometimes hard to stay true to our values. But what if we didn’t have to choose?  

Over the past few years, many of us have experienced a massive shift in how we view our work. We’re no longer satisfied by the pursuit of wealth for its own sake. We don’t want to simply consume. We want to create, connect and make the world better for future generations. 

It’s time to change our relationship with money — to bring our money into alignment with our values instead of the other way around. Our money mindfulness email series can help you get there.  

What is money mindfulness? 

In general terms, mindfulness is a practice of cultivating awareness of your thoughts, feelings and experiences so you can make more conscious choices that reflect who you are. When applied to your money, it means understanding how your financial decisions affect the world around you and making choices that are deeply rooted in your personal values. 

We separate our material lives from our internal lives, but they don’t have to be at odds with each other. When your money is aligned with your values, you can live with more integrity, authenticity and wholeness while bringing meaning to even the most mundane transactions. 

Because each person has a unique set of values, money mindfulness looks different for everyone. It might lead you to make decisions such as: 

  • Buying ethical brands that are committed to sustainability. 

  • Investing in companies that support causes you care about. 

  • Choosing a not-for-profit credit union instead of a corporate bank. 

  • Incorporating charitable donations into your budget. 

How money mindfulness can help your financial wellness 

By practicing money mindfulness, you can start making a conscious impact on your community one transaction at a time. But it’s not just about changing the world around you. It’s also about changing yourself and your relationship to money. 

Money mindfulness helps you make decisions that improve your financial wellness and help propel you toward the future you want. Instead of chasing short-term satisfaction, you’ll learn how to recalibrate your spending habits to support longer-term, bigger-picture goals. 

At OCCU, we practice money mindfulness every day. Everything we do is rooted in our values and centered on our commitment to enriching the lives of our members and neighbors. We’ve seen firsthand how this simple practice empowers individuals and transforms lives.  

We developed our six-week money mindfulness email series to share what we’ve learned so you can reap the benefits. Sign up to start receiving weekly tips and strategies for cultivating money mindfulness in your own life. 

Here’s the first thing we want you to know: You don’t have to choose between your money and the things that matter to you. You just need to bring them into alignment. 

Ready to unlock the true value of your money? Sign up for our money mindfulness email series today.