The holidays have a way of sneaking up on a lot of us. In all the back-to-school flurry, it’s easy to forget that they’re right around the corner. Between the shopping, the decorating and more last-minute shopping, getting caught unprepared can lead
While new tools like online shopping and digital payments have helped make shopping for the holidays more manageable, there’s one thing that hasn’t changed: It’s still easy to overspend. Maybe it’s the stress of ticking off a long to-do list and
The holiday season is the time of year when we are our most generous selves. And most of the time, that’s a good thing. According to a Gallup study , each American adult is projected to spend an average of $947 on gifts this holiday season. One-third
With a $40,000 grant from the OCCU Foundation, Eugene-based nonprofit, Parenting Now launched, “Haga de la Familia un Placer.” Read on to learn how the OCCU Foundation and Parenting Now’s partnership is creating family support networks locally and